Product News: End-of-Support for Old WebOrion Appliances and Upgrade Path to New WebOrion VX2 Appliances.
This is to announce the following:
End of Software Support (EOSL)for all WebOrion® virtual and physical appliances purchased before 28 Feb 2017 .
EOSL for this batch of appliances will be with effect from 31 Aug 2021. This means no bug fixes, security patches, feature updates will be provided.
End of Software Support (EOSL)for all WebOrion® virtual and physical appliances purchased after 28 Feb 2017 will happen on 31 Aug 2023. This means no bug fixes, security patches, feature updates will be provided after 31 Aug 2023.
End of Life (EOL) for all WebOrion® physical appliances will take effect from 31 Aug 2023. New support contracts can be added, taking into consideration EOSL above, but all support contracts will have to end by 31 Aug 2023.
We are continuing to invest R&D and engineering efforts to improve the capabilities of WebOrion®. To replace the above old appliances, we are recommending our customers to upgrade to our WebOrion® Virtual Appliances VX2 for better performance and support. These appliances are supported for both private and public cloud environments including vSphere, Microsoft Hyper-V, AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud.
Customers can also consider our highly popular and scalable WebOrion® SaaS subscription offerings.
Please feel free to contact custsupport@cloudsine.tech or sales@cloudsine.tech for further information.
Thank You for your support,
WebOrion® Team