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SUTD X Cloudsine – Artificial Intelligence Award

Cloudsine is honoured to partner with SUTD to sponsor the artificial intelligence award to nurture interests and identify talents in this area. Students from SUTD who are interested may enroll in 50.021 Artificial Intelligence module offered by the Information Systems Technology and Design (ISTD) pillar.

In this course, students will get to learn what “artificial intelligence” means, and how it can be usefully applied to real-world problems. Students will learn the intricacies of state-space search and constraint programming. Through an in-depth treatment of knowledge representation via propositional and first-order logic, students will understand how expert knowledge can be fed into and be processed by modern computers. Furthermore, being the top project team will be awarded with a cash prize of $2500!

Click here to find out more on the requirements: https://www.sutd.edu.sg/Student-Development/Merit-Awards/Cloudsine-Artificial-Intelligence-Award

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